Stuff about me






diane foong sook ching
the unassuming drama queen.
twenty two. 19/12/88.
habitual tardy queen.
fairfield methodist.pjc.
ntu-chemical &
biomolecular engineering

something more.
ice queen to many.
cold and aloof.
retarded & crazy.
extreme and eccentric.
melodramatic, drama queen.
amazing eater.
bottomless pit.
super self-conscious.
fret over nitty gritty stuff,
over exaggerating.
don't really like capital letters.

While I'm Waiting.
28 October 2010 2:08:00 am
with all i am.

love the song while i'm waiting from the Christian movie "Fireproof"

it talks about the husband who was waiting for his wife to forgive him and to come back to him eventually. and while he was waiting, he served God, asked for forgiveness, refined his character and turned out to be a more Godly man.

That's what I am gonna do. while I am waiting for His plans to unveil, I will wait patiently and continue to serve Him. After all, serving Him is what we have been called to do and it is to develop that intimate relationship with our Abba Father. No one can judge our actions except Him. What He thinks of us is all that matters. As much as I want to chase after things that I want, I need to know that I am moving in the right direction. all i can ask is God to calm my heart and pray for direction an guidance. but sometimes, is there really a right and wrong?

It is learning to simply trust God. Proverbs 3:5-7
Trust God even when we don't really understand the logic or reasons. We are prone to rely on our own understanding when it comes to life's problems and struggles. We value self reliance. Hence, the way of wisdom is to be less and less self-reliant and more God reliant. We need to seek God's understanding and wisdom in every circumstance of life. Learning to simply trust is also the outcome of a deeper intimacy with our Abba Father. We need to believe that He truly cares, can't fail us, is faithful and a compassionate Father.

I am still contemplating on the Mission Trip to Thailand in end December. A mission trip entails commitment till the end and preparation work is not just as easy as ABC. We are there to impact the people and to be a blessing to them. Most importantly, to build up our relationship with God and to understand His plans for us. It will be revealed to us slowly.. I keep having 2nd thoughts bout committing to this mission trip, super unsure..i will sleep on it tonight.

Last week was recess week and well, it was a slack recess week with no work done but i was still bee zee. Driving test (failed, i cried while driving. yes retarded. but the tester gave me the chance to pass, but i gave up on myself too early), extra full day lesson in sch, ikea dinner with my jie meis, interview at Shell house, modeled for a mini fashion show to help raise funds for Ashley who does mission works in the Amazon River, phuture with ade & friends (super fabbbb) and wkend retail therapy! i miss recess weekkkk.

with my ah bu la lang @phuture (((: (sorry i cropped you out RP!)

ilu 姐妹s ((:

i wish you knew.